Beauty Of a Broken Soul

Words full of empty promises
Eyes filled with feigned love
Unanswered mysteries burn the heart
And I’m swept away in this deceitful world

The world shatters around me
As all my trust crumbles to pieces
Thrown away like a used fabric
Amidst the dust I lay defeated

The forgotten pretentious glances
And those internal cynical cries
Now I am traversing a trapeze rope
Faith just dangling between the lies

Eternities passed before it struck me
How hollow were the sweet nothings
The bitter truth would hurt less, but
All I heard was perpetual bluffing

How liberating must it feel
To have not a care in the world
To live life on your own terms
To not think twice about people who stepped over your love
How liberating must it feel
To finally let go of it all
To finally live life as a whole
To give yourself the love and care you lost ages ago

How liberating must it feel
To love yourself, and only you, for the first time, and the last.
How liberating must it feel

But it also feels like a dream
It feels like something I can’t achieve
It feels like something far from my reach

So let me be hidden in my cocoon
Let it crumble under the weight of betrayal
Let me remain in complete denial
Because maybe that’s what the world needs
Just a little more care, and a little more concern
In a cold, cruel place, I can be the warm fire that burns
Maybe it will burn my soul
But I’ll let it be
If that’s how it’s meant to be.

-Ishita Gupta

A/N- I do not usually write poetry inspired from my own life; it is somehow more comfortable putting myself in other’s shoes. But some small life experiences can affect you more strongly than you had anticipated. And then it leads you to bleed ink onto paper, borrowing from Hemingway.

Sending love


6 thoughts on “Beauty Of a Broken Soul

  1. Hey, Ishaan here. um this poem was pretty good. like i don’t know if I truly got the message, but for some reason i could relate. So yeah. Beautiful Poem. It kind of hit me like.
    *”To love yourself, and only you, for the first time, and the last.”*
    This line hit me. like i kind of remembered the talks we used to do with rishabh and stuff where you were “advising” me on well not to torture myself. You know to self love. so yeah thanks for that reminder. It’s surprising how we spend most of our attention on others to make ourselves happy, but never direct that love and attention to ourselves. So yeah thanks for the reminder. I felt something missing and that was it i guess. idk. well immediately felt like sharing this, so yeah thanks for the poem and the reminder i guess.
    keep trying to be alive. Ishaan Dabare

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I could strongly relate with the lines “But it also feels like a dream
    It feels like something I can’t achieve”
    I always find it a struggle to let go of certain things which serves some sort of a bad experience. But somehow, at the end of the day, you find a way around it.

    Also, good to see you after so long! Hope things are going well for you.

    Liked by 1 person

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