Suffocated Dreams

I feel suffocated. Trapped.

They say the birds are chirping. No, it is the cardinal singing a death song.

I cannot see. Everything’s black, so black. Oh no, not black, it is dark. But what’s the difference between dark and black, you ask.

The blind one doesn’t see black, but knows and feels what darkness is.

A rag is tied around my mouth. I can feel it, but I can’t see it. Why can’t I see it?!

My hands are sore, they are tied behind. With a rope. Isn’t it the same rope with which you strangled my dreams, your dreams?

Everyone’s dreams?

Dried vines wrap around my body. Trapping me further. Suffocating me….

It is getting hard to breathe now. I– stop– crushing– my drea–!

-Ishita Gupta

There are many people, who are not able to fulfill their dreams, because of the pressure of society, and other factors which keep them trapped inside.

To all those people who feel fearful and hesitant to achieve what they want, because they are afraid as to what the society might say – don’t give the society the power to control your dreams. They are your dreams, your fight and your life. The journey may be difficult, but if you really want to achieve your dreams, do it regardless of what others might think. Because people will always find something to say. That’s how they are.

अगर कोई चीज़ पूरी शिद्दत से चाहो, तो पूरी क़ायनात आपको उससे मिलाने की साज़िश में लग जाती है।

SRK, Om Shanti Om (Famous Bollywood dialogue)

Translation: If you desire something from deep inside, the entire universe conspires to help you get it.

45 thoughts on “Suffocated Dreams

  1. Your writing style is admirable ❤️❤️ it’s always lovely to read your verses…I think I may have heard the dialogue( maybe a variation of it) in one of Paulo Coelho’s books…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. The blind ones don’t see black. But, don’t they also not see darkness or light?

    Sometimes, we’ve to let go of other’s dreams that create pressure on us and just focus on dreams that we own. I hope you find ways to escape the trap.

    This is a great poem, Ishita, with deep and beautiful words! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s true! They don’t see darkness, but can still feel it.

      That is absolutely true. Sometimes people won’t support you, not even your close family and friends, but you need to go on.

      Thank you so much Anisha!❤🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Very beautiful my dearest Ishita.

    “My hands are sore, they are tied behind. With a rope. Isn’t it the same rope with which you strangled my dreams, your dreams?”

    “don’t give the society the power to control your dreams” Indeed. No one should do that.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. How beautifully descriptive, lovely work but never surprised to see that from you.

    I am so glad you found time to write always a treat.

    “I cannot see. Everything’s black, so black. Oh no, not black, it is dark. But what’s the difference between dark and black, you ask.”

    You can feel the pain. Here the confusion. Lovely work as always Ishita. Sending my love ❤️🤗🦋😘Joni

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is so admirable Ishita! The way you explained the difference between black and dark is really exceptional. And the quote, okay I’ll prefer SRK’s version, haha. Loved this piece, very well crafted ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Ishita, you have such a gift for creating,for painting so vividly a mood that penetrates the reader and absorbs us totally. We become part of your emotion, part of the pain of being held back from your dreams. You are a wonderful writer, lyrical, flowing and powerful. This poem is a gem among gems in your collection.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Karima, my dear. Thank you so much for your kind words. I am so humbled. This means so so much to me❤❤❤ You have touched my heart💕💕 Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Sending love and hugs🤗😍

      Liked by 1 person

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