Rain🌧(Six Word Story #1)

This is in response to the Saturday Six Word Story Prompt (6WSP) #49 – August 1, 2020, by Shweta at My Random Ramblings. The prompt for this week is “Rain”. This is the first time I am participating in this. I always love reading the six word stories on other sites, but couldn’t come up […]

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Ocean’s A Mystery

Those roaring waves call me, Those blue sapphires allure me. But, the warm sand keeps me in, My soul’s trapped in a human’s sin. Expressions are never crystal clear, Every smile holds dried tears. There’s pain hidden in each joy, A hint of regret, when we rejoice. The ocean unravels unspoken mysteries, Summoning all the […]

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My sorrows are faceless. Even in a deep slumber, they poke me.Endless. The sky bleeds orange red. Promise of a new day. But, bleeding. Blood.…..death? Oh no. I just heard a crow. Will my pain amplify now? Or just the opposite.Who knows. Yes, my sorrows are faceless.They possess a multitude of masks, though. Oh dear. […]

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Sunshine Blogger Award #3!!

This is my third nomination for the Sunshine Blogger Award and I am feeling so elated!! Thank you so so much dear BG, for nominating me♥ Visit her blog The Bold Vibe. She writes by the pen name ‘The Bold Girl’. She has been christened ‘The GIF and Meme Queen’ by fellow bloggers! She writes […]

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Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award!

Shruti at Full_blossomed has graciously nominated me for the Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award!! She writes wonderful posts on many different topics, you will surely find them interesting!! Be sure to check out her blog!! Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award Rules Thank the person who has nominated you and link back to their blog. Answer their questions. […]

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every unseen dream, is but a fleeting memory every unspoken word, is but a caged bird every unshed tear, is but a hidden fear. but now my heart yearns, to dream beyond reality my heart yearns, to speak aloud bravely my heart yearns, to cry not just in fantasy. so today let me realize those […]

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Sunshine Blogger Award #2

I have been nominated for the very bright Sunshine Blogger Award for the second time by two wonderful bloggers. Aahana Aggarwal at The Mystic Wagon and Shanyu at Sui Generis. Thank you for the nomination, I’m really very touched.♥♥ Please do visit their blogs, they are amazing!! Sunshine Blogger Award Rules1.Thank blogger(s) who nominated you […]

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Heaven on Earth

Red roses and blue delphiniums Perched on a branch the Nightingale hums Swans grace the tranquil waters And the trees drink the golden sun. The woodpecker pecks its way through And the leaves drip with morning dew The crickets play a symphony nearby The colourful chrysanthemums bloom anew. The morning rain revitalizing Mother Earth And […]

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Now….forever gloved

My back Greets the cold sand A calm breeze Tickles my bare hand Blue spheres Illuminate the dark sky In dreams They dance like fireflies My mind Clutches at memories long gone Humming A broken tune of an unfinished song Black tresses Fall over my damp eyes You lured me In your perfectly spun web […]

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A tribute

Separate from the sun and the stars, There seems to be an angel afloat and afar Igniting in the flicker of burning desires, Embers soaring up and away to the sky and higher. Succumbing to the inner turmoil Heart beats turn mechanical There’s no more desire to see the sun Why does death suddenly feel […]

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